Monday, March 1, 2010

This Delicious Candy Makes My Heart Melt!!!

For Valentines day I was given a box of Fannie May Mint Meltaways from my boyfriend. At first I was skeptical, because you can't go wrong with Fannie May chocolate, but I had never had these before. Well...THEY WERE AWESOME! I couldn't believe I had gone so long without enjoying these delicious treats. They either have a hard mint shell with chocolate in the middle or a hard chocolate shell with mint in the middle. My favorite is of course the hard chocolate outer shell, his is the mint outer shell, so it worked out perfect for the both of us! I would highly recommend these to anyone who loves a chocolate/mint combo. It's a perfect little treat to sneak throughout the day without feeling guilty!

1 comment:

Michael Radostits said...

Mint Meltaways are definitely one of my favorite sweets, even though my sweet tooth has disappeared more and more as the years go on. Every Christmas, my family gets a couple boxes of these. We set them out on our coffee table in the living room, and they quickly get eaten. Every time I sit down to watch tv, I catch myself eating four or five of them. They're a little more expensive that your typical treat, but the juice is worth the squeeze if you indulge in a mint meltaway. Good call here!