Thursday, March 18, 2010


Do you want to get fancy and creative? Try making chocolate fondue! It's probably one of the easiest and most delicious things you can make. All you need are some chocolate chips and whipping cream (found in your grocers dairy section)! If you add a few chocolate chips and some whipping cream over low heat on a stove, the chocolate and whipping cream combine into a delicious creamy substance. From there you can get anything to dip in it...strawberries, bananas, pound cake, or pretzels. Pretty much anything that tastes good with chocolate. It may sound a little complicated, but it's really quick and easy if you want to spice up your evening with a delicious dessert!


Jbay88 said...

That looks great..but for some reason over the years my taste for chocolate is slim n none :(

Evie Allen said...

I love chocolate fondue! I think you can't get a fondue maker for cheap at some stores but there is nothing cheaper than over the stove. If you wanna impress some guests, that's when the fondue maker comes out!!

In my opinion the chocolate is better with strawberries than any other fruit.

Two thumbs up for this entry missy sweet!!!