Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chocolate is good for you?!

So it turns out that eating dark chocolate can help reduce your chances for heart attack or stroke. Check out the following link for more information...
Chocolate = Healthy Heart?


Jenna said...

I don't like dark chocolate. I bet your really excited for this weekend to get lost of sweets for the Easter bunny! hahaha

Evie said...

I've heard that before. Actually, for me, I prefer dark chocolate to the pure milk chocolate. I like the taste better.

Do you think dark chocolate is an acquired taste? A lot of people don't like the taste. The taste is very distinct and different on the tongue. Just a question to ponder.


Evie said...

I've heard that before. Actually, for me, I prefer dark chocolate to the pure milk chocolate. I like the taste better.

Do you think dark chocolate is an acquired taste? A lot of people don't like the taste. The taste is very distinct and different on the tongue. Just a question to ponder.
